Free shipping on all orders

Refund policy

If you wish to return or exchange your order for any reason, we are here to assist you!
Returns and exchanges are free of charge within 30 days of receipt of your order. You can return your product and get a reusable credit for new purchases.

Please consider the following exceptions that apply to our return and exchange policy:

  • Discounted items are not returned or exchanged
  • Returned items must have their labels and be in their original packaging
  • Returned items must have no visible signs of wear or use

To begin the return or exchange process, please proceed as follows:

  • Send an email to using your email address, your account username and the order ID number.
  • Identify the ordered products you want to return or exchange
  • Print your prepaid shipping label you will receive via email
  • Return all items using the label provided
  • Your credit, in the form of a discount coupon, will be sent to you within 10 business days of receipt of the returned items at our offices.

Additional information or any other questions:

HB Distribution
22765 Savi Ranch Parkway
Suite F
Yorba Linda, CA 92877

Phone Nnumber : +1 714 282-7200
fax : +1 418 239-0373

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